Center for Health Ethics, Law and History


- On the 6th of June dr. Aistis Žalnora participated at the international scientific conference ,,Evolutionary Medicine: Health and Diseases in Changing Environment” ir skaitė pranešimą ,,Evolutionary Thoughts in Jędrzej Śniedecki’s work O fizycznem wychowaniu dzieci (On the Physical Education of Children).Click here for a programme.

- On the 5th – 6th of April dr. Aistis Žalnora presented the paper “Kulturowe, społeczne i medyczne dyskursy (nad)użycia alkoholu” at the international scientific conference “Medyczne i kulturowe aspekty nadużycia alkoholu na przestrzeni dziejów” in Bydgoszcz (Poland).

- On the 30th – 31th of March dr. Margarita Poškutė and dr. Aistis Žalnora attended the conference for Lithuanian history of science and philosophy of science „SCIENTIA ET HISTORIA – 2018“ and presented papers. Download programme here.