2025 annual workshop will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania.
2024 annual workshop took place in Reykjavik, Iceland, on the 10th of June, 2024. Contact person for this event: Vilhjálmur Árnason (vilhjarn@hi.is). | Program | Photo 1 | Photo 2
2023 annual workshop took place in Riga, Latvia, on the 22-23 August, 2023. Contact person for this event: Ivars Neiders (ivars.neiders@lu.lv). | Program | Photo 1 | Photo 2
2022 annual workshop took place in Greifswald, Germany, on the 9th of June, 2022. Contact person for this event: Vilhjálmur Árnason (vilhjarn@hi.is). | Program |
2021 annual workshop took place at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College, Stockoholm, Sweden, on October 8-9. Contact person for this event: Henrik Lerner (henrik.lerner@esh.se). | Program |
2020 annual workshop did not take place due to COVID-19 pandemic.
2019 annual workshop was held in Tartu, Estonia, June 11-12, 2019. Contact person for this event: Kadri Simm (kadri.simm@ut.ee). | Program |
Network Director Vilhjálmur Árnason co-organizes a workshop series, called Bioethics and Political Philosophy: Nordic Perspectives. Its aim is to bring together bioethicists and political philosophers working in Nordic countries to promote the interchange of ideas between the two fields. The first workshop will be in Stockholm on May 16-18, 2019, with the theme “Autonomy”. Two other meetings are planned, in Reykjavik and Aarhus. For detailed information, please see http://gregbognar.net/workshop-series/ The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 15, 2019.
Previous workshop “Issues in Philosophy of Medicine, Bioethics, and Medical Practice” was held in Aarhus, Denmark, June 11-12, 2018. Contact person for this event: Jonathan Scholl (filjsholl@cas.au.dk). | Call for papers | Program | Website |
Previous workshop “Issues in Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine” was held in Bergen, Norway, June 6-7, 2017. Contact person for this event: Stefán Hjörleifsson (Stefan.Hjorleifsson@igs.uib.no). | Call for papers | Program |
Previous workshop “Issues in Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine” was held at Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, lunch to lunch June 6-7, 2016. Contact person for this event: Vilius Dranseika, vilius.dranseika@fsf.vu.lt. | Call for papers |
During the Network meeting in Stockholm decision was made to rename the network. Now it is called Nordic-Baltic Network of Philosophy of Medicine. New address: http://www.mies.mf.vu.lt/en/nbnpm.
Previous annual workshop “Issues in Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine” was held at Ersta Sköndal University College, Stockholm, Sweden, lunch to lunch June 8-9 2015. The meeting was organized in cooperation with Popgen project (project meetings will be held before lunch on the 8th and after lunch on the 9th). Call for papers.
We want to welcome our newest member of our network – Ersta Sköndal University College!
Previous meeting was held in Finland, June 9-10 2014. Contact person for this event was Pekka Louhiala, pekka.louhiala@helsinki.fi.
Previous meeting was held in Riga, Latvia, June 13-14 2013. Approximately 20 persons attended the workshop. The programme of the workshop is available here.
There is also a recently published issue of Studia Philosophica Estonica dedicated to the network, where most of the papers originate from talks held at our conference in Tartu, Estonia, June 11-12 2012. See link to the journal issue. Some details on history of the network together with references to earlier writings of the history of philosophy of medicine and medical ethics in the Nordic and Baltic countries is mentioned in the editorial written by Kadri Simm and Henrik Lerner.
About the Nordic-Baltic Network of Philosophy of Medicine
The network has been financed by Nordforsk between January 1, 2009 and December 12, 2011. From 2012 the network continues.
The final report to Nordforsk about the network is available here.
The aim of this planned network is to establish the identity of philosophy of medicine in the Nordic/Baltic countries by considering both institutional and academic conditions for research and the education of researchers. We will encourage the initiation of new joint research projects and by making the subject more visible we hope to increase the number of doctoral students. our intention is that the network shall after the three year period be converted into a permanent Nordic/Baltic society for philosophy of medicine.