- Teismas apie istorinį sprendimą dėl dviejų mamų: biologinė motinystė nustatyta įrodymais
Vilniaus miesto apylinkės teismas priėmė istorinį sprendimą, kuriuo teismas dvi vaiką šeimoje auginančias moteris pripažino mamomis. Daugiau čia ir čia.
- 'Our son died. Now we can use his sperm to have a grandchild'
A couple in India have said they are "delighted" after a court ordered a hospital to hand over the frozen semen sample of their dead son to them so they could have a grandchild through surrogacy. more
- Po „Netflix“ dokumentikos – šimtus vaikų į pasaulį paleidusio spermos donoro atsakas
Šimtus vaikų į pasaulį paleidusio spermos donoro iš Nyderlandų Jonathano Jacobo Meijerio istorija ir nukentėjusių moterų pasakojimai dokumentiniame seriale „The Man With 1000 Kids“ išties sukrečia, net sunku patikėti, kad taip nutiko iš tiesų. Kol moterys dalijasi nusivylimo kupinais prisiminimais, pats donoras serialą aptarinėja savo jutubo kanale ir tikina nieko blogo savo poelgiuose nematantis. daugiau
- Eksperimentas Vilniuje: ką patiria moteris, norinti užsirašyti pas gydytoją abortui?
Dešimtmečius į Lietuvą kelią skynusis galimybė nutraukti nėštumą vaistiniu būdu laikoma žmogaus teisių ir mokslo pergale, tačiau praėjus pusantrų metų po jo legalizavimo aiškėja ne tik tai, kad paslaugą sunku gauti, bet ir tai, jog jos prieinamumą galėjo smarkiai apriboti abortų priešininkai. daugiau
- Pope calls for universal ban on surrogate parenting, calls it 'deplorable'
Pope Francis called for a global ban on parenting via surrogacy, calling the practice "deplorable" and a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child. more
- Dylan Stone-Miller, 32, who fathered ninety-six children after he started donating sperm in college to earn money reveals how he quit work to track down his offspring whose names and birthdays he lists on a spreadsheet
A 32-year-old Georgia man who fathered at least 96 children via sperm donations is tracking his kids down - armed with a spreadsheet bearing their names and a unique sperm bank ID that's helped them reconnect. Dylan Stone-Miller said he has met 25 of his biological brood to date - all products of a series donations he made over the course of six years, starting in college. more
- Dutch court orders sperm donor to stop after 550 children
The man, identified in Dutch media only as Jonathan M, 41, was taken to court by a foundation protecting the rights of donor children and by the mother of one of the children allegedly fathered from his sperm. Dutch clinical guidelines say a donor should not father more than 25 children in 12 families, but judges said the man had helped produce between 550 and 600 children since he started donating sperm in 2007. more
- Designer babies already exist — their creator went to jail
Gene editing in humans is not only possible, but a reality. Today, there are people with CRISPR-Cas9-edited genomes. Right or wrong, the treatment is here to stay. How do gene therapies work and what are their limits? more
- ‘Doctors fitted a contraceptive coil without my consent’
Thousands of women in Greenland, including some as young as 12, had a contraceptive device implanted in their womb - often without consent - as part of a Danish campaign to control Greenland's growing Inuit population in the 60s and 70s. The Danish government has announced an independent investigation into this so-called "Coil Campaign". more
- China to discourage abortions to boost low birth rate
China will discourage abortions and take steps to make fertility treatment more accessible as part of efforts to boost one of the world's lowest birth rates, its National Health Authority said. more
- Seimas nutarė – pagalbiniam apvaisinimui sukurtų embrionų nebereikės saugoti amžinai
- Ukraine’s Surrogacy Industry Has Put Women in Impossible Positions
- Ethics Of Surrogacy: The Case Of Baby "Luna" Abandoned In Ukraine
- Polygenic screening of embryos is here, but is it ethical?