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Medikų ir pacientų santykiai

  • My bile rises as I’m asked to move my dying cancer patient out of ICU to make room for an unvaccinated man with Covid
  • I understand that for a chance at survival, the Covid patient needs a ventilator, but in a career filled with ethical dilemmas, this one really tugs at me. more
  • - Penkiolikmetė Emilija pasiskiepytų ir prieš tėvų valią, bet įstatymai neleidžia: kodėl turėčiau sėdėti įkalinta namuose?
  • „Aš tenoriu grįžti į normalų gyvenimą ir būti saugi“, – portalui sako penkiolikmetė Emilija, kuriai tėvai neleidžia pasiskiepyti nuo koronaviruso. Anot jos, jei būtų tokia galimybė, pasiskiepytų ir prieš tėvų valią. pašnekovai sako, kad tokie atvejai, kai išsiskiria tėvų ir vaikų nuomonės, nėra dažni, o nesutikimas paskiepyti vaiko nėra jo teisių pažeidimas. daugiau
  • - VR helps parents visualise child's surgery
  • Six-month-old Arcie was born with a condition where the growth lines in his skull had fused too early. His parents needed to make a difficult decision - opt for the risks of surgery, or let nature take its course with the physical and psychological impacts which could follow. But thanks to a pioneering new technology, Amanda and Judd Michnowiec were able to see what the changes would be beforehand, in virtual reality. Dr Noor Ul Owase Jeelani, a consultant paediatric neurosurgeon at the hospital, said the technology means the couple have a clearer picture of what the future holds. He said: "Now, when they sign the consent form, it's what I would call truly informed consent. more

  • - Seniors decry age bias, say they feel devalued when interacting with health care providers
  • Joanne Whitney, 84, a retired associate clinical professor of pharmacy at the University of California-San Francisco, often feels devalued when interacting with health care providers."I think the fact I was a woman of 84, alone, was important. When older people come in like that, they don't get the same level of commitment to do something to rectify the situation. It's like 'Oh, here's an old person with pain. Well, that happens a lot to older people,'" she said. Whitney's experiences speak to ageism in health care settings, a long-standing problem that's getting new attention during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has killed more than half a million Americans age 65 and older. more
  • - If Covid vaccine refusers are turned away at hospitals and doctor offices, is that ethical?
  • Dr. Jason Valentine, a family medicine physician at the Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health in Mobile, Alabama, informed his patients this month that, effective Oct. 1, he would no longer treat those who hadn’t been vaccinated against Covid-19. Around the same time, a leaked memo indicated that the North Texas Mass Critical Care Guideline Task Force was considering whether to take Covid vaccination status into account in deciding who gets ICU beds when more of them are needed than are available. Can either of these actions be considered ethical? In short, it depends. more

- Doctors Are Investigated After Posting Organ Photos Online as ‘Price Is Right’ Game

A health care network in Michigan said it had opened an investigation after some operating room doctors posted photos on social media last week showing themselves holding a surgically removed organ and tissue material as part of a game that they likened to “The Price Is Right.”
The doctors, who are employed as medical residents by Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids, Mich., and specialize in obstetrics and gynecology, asked people to guess how much an unidentified organ weighed. more

- Many doctors have negative perceptions of patients with disabilities — and that impacts quality of care, study finds

More than 82% of American doctors say they believe patients with significant disabilities have a worse quality of life than people who don’t have disabilities, according to a new study. Those negative perceptions can have big impacts on the quality of care patients with disabilities receive.  more

- How Much Should the Public Know About Who Has a Coronavirus?

When the first case of the coronavirus in Silicon Valley was discovered in late January, health officials were faced with a barrage of questions: What city did the patient live in? Whom had he come in contact with? Which health clinic had he visited before he knew he was infected?
Dr. Sara Cody, the chief health officer for Santa Clara County, which has a population of two million across 15 cities, declined to give details. Medical experts say that how much the public should know has become a critical question that will help determine how the United States confronts this outbreak and future ones.  more

- The limits of doctor-patient confidentiality tested in the UK

A difficult case in the United Kingdom has opened up questions about the confidentiality of the patient-doctor relationship. In the UK “non-disclosure is the default position and the bar for breaching confidentiality is relatively high.” In 2007 a man called XX in court documents murdered his wife. While incarcerated he began to manifest symptoms of Huntington’s Disease. He told his doctors not to inform his two daughters. One of his daughters, ABC, was pregnant at the time of her father’s diagnosis and she gave birth in 2010. ABC then sued the National Health Service for not disclosing her father’s condition. Had she known, she argued, she would have had an abortion. more


- Moral Distress in Neurosurgery

- ‘They are together, they are equal’: the agonising choice facing father of conjoined twins

- Never say ‘die’: Why so many doctors won’t break bad news

- Ending Privacy As We Know It

- Now Mental Health Patients Can Specify Their Care Before Hallucinations and Voices Overwhelm Them

- Ar žmogus turi žinoti, kiek jam liko gyventi? Atviras pokalbis su gydytoju

- Moteris iš Lazdijų ligoninės reikalauja 150 tūkst. eurų už sterilizaciją be jos žinios

- Doctors told to ditch Latin and use ‘plain English’

- Cancer: one in four too scared to seek medical help over symptom

- Parents vs Doctor: Who Is Really in Charge?

- Gydytoja perspėja apie tikrąjį narkozės poveikį