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Organų ir audinių transplantavimas ir donorystė

- Pig kidney transplanted into living person for first time

Doctors have performed the first transplant of a genetically modified kidney from a pig into a living human. The four-hour surgery was performed on March 16 at Massachusetts General Hospital, which was also the first hospital to perform a kidney transplant in 1954. more

- FDA proposal would allow more men who have sex with men to donate blood

The US Food and Drug Administration is proposing a blood donation policy that focuses on individual risk instead of blanket assessments, the agency said – opening donation to more gay and bisexual men. more

- Man given genetically modified pig heart dies

The first person in the world to get a heart transplant from a genetically-modified pig has died. David Bennett, who had terminal heart disease, survived for two months following the surgery in the US. more

- Unvaccinated man denied heart transplant by Boston hospital

A US hospital has rejected a patient for a heart transplant at least in part because he is not vaccinated against Covid-19. more

- ‘I’ve already sold my daughters; now, my kidney’: winter in Afghanistan’s slums

“Because of debt and hunger I was forced to sell my kidney,” Rahmati tells Rukhshana Media from outside her home in the Herat slum. The kidney trade has been growing in Afghanistan for some time. more

- US surgeons successfully implant genetically altered pig heart in human

US surgeons have successfully implanted a heart from a genetically modified pig in a 57-year-old man, a medical first that could one day help solve the chronic shortage of organ donations. more

- Lietuvoje vėl kalbama apie "numanomo sutikimo" modelį, kai galimais donorais laikomi visi pilnamečiai, nepaprieštaravę raštu

Transplantacijos biuras Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijai, o vėliau ir Seimui planuoja teikti siūlymus keisti dabartinį donorystės modelį. Daugelyje Europos šalių taikomas „numanomo sutikimo“ modelis, kai galimais donorais laikomi visi pilnamečiai, nepaprieštaravę raštu. Tai esą padėtų sumažinti prieštaraujančių organų transplantacijai donorų artimųjų. Jų dabar, skaičiuojama, yra 25 procentai. daugiau

- In a First, Surgeons Attached a Pig Kidney to a Human — and It Worked

Surgeons in New York have successfully attached a kidney grown in a genetically altered pig to a human patient and found that the organ worked normally, a scientific breakthrough that one day may yield a vast new supply of organs for severely ill patients. more

- Tai itin retas atvejis Lietuvoje – registruotas neplakančios širdies donoras

Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto ligoninėje Kauno klinikose registruotas neplakančios širdies donoras. Tai itin retas atvejis Lietuvoje – nuo 2016 metų, kai Lietuvoje imtas taikyti toks donorystės modelis, šis atvejis – septintas.  plaučiau

- Scots become automatic organ donors under new law

Everyone in Scotland is now an automatic organ donor – unless they opt out of a new system. From 26, March, it is presumed that people have consented to donation unless they have stated otherwise. Experts say this will mean that many more people can be given life-saving and life-changing transplants. more


- Doctors hail first face and double hand transplant

- Santaros klinikose transplantuoti COVID-19 liga sirgusio donoro inkstai

- There’s no such thing as anonymity’: With consumer DNA tests, sperm banks reconsider long-held promises to donors

- The US is throwing away at least 3,500 donated kidneys every year, study finds

- The Kidney Brokers: Yemeni organs sold for $5,000 in Egypt

- Opt-out organ donation: Max and Keira’s Bill passed into law

- Organ donors to be asked if they are religious

- Should we pay people for donating blood?

- HIV-positive mother in South Africa donates piece of liver to critically ill child

- Reanimatologas T.Tamošuitis: „Kartais valstybė nesuteikia galimybės išgelbėti gyvybę“

- Man’s second face transplant is a world first